
RCE brings help and hope to poor families and abandoned children with special needs through its education, poverty prevention and placement programs.

Here is how we do that:

Restoration for Orphans

A Life Plan for All

Prevent abandonment and restore dignity in poor families


1. Restoration for Orphans Begins at Darius House & Sunshine School 

Children, who suffer from mental or physical illness and have emotional scars from neglect and abuse, come to live at Darius House. All have been abandoned by their families! Some come as young as three from state institutions while others come from the street. 

RCE has three Darius Houses, and in these loving homes children can begin to heal.  At Darius House:

  • Kids have fun! RCE takes fun seriously for kids who have suffered so much They enjoy pizza parties, summer camp, lots of outings

  • Kids have the professional care they need. RCE’s Counseling Department, led by psychologist Cara Bolos, provides counseling, speech and physical therapy. Counselors see the kids at Darius House, at Sunshine School, and in families after placement.

“The Scriptures uniformly call us not so much to reflect on justice as to do justice.”

Miroslav Volf

Sunshine School

The right to live with dignity means the right to learn. There are very few options for the disabled to go to school in Romania, so RCE developed a special education school modeled on the best in the U.S.

Principal Neli Fatu leads a dedicated team of Romanian teachers at Sunshine School:

  • There are 66 students in 10 small classes

  • Full time speech & physical therapists

  • Students come from Darius Houses & families in the community

  • Students enjoy music lessons, cooking, swimming, weekly outings

  • Sunshine School is the only private special education school certified by the Ministry of Education

2. Restoration Continues with a Life Plan for Everyone after Darius House

Orphanages are no place for children! RCE works to find Christian families for every Darius House child.

Mihai and Carmen Bocsa have led the Domestic Adoption & Placement Program since 1996.  Today over 100 previously abandoned children are sons & daughters – more than half are special needs children.

love house families

RCE helps parents with willing hearts but limited means take a Darius House child into their families for life!

  • Families provide love & care & Christian nurture

  • Limited financial support is provided by RCE- if needed

  • The Counseling Team supports parents & kids

  • Summer Bible camp & other support group activities help families bond

A life plan for every Darius House child — Even kids who are not adopted have a pathway out of institutionalization and that path begins at Amy’s House:

Amy's House

Amy’s House is part of the RCE Campus Community - along with Darius Houses, Sunshine School, chapel & playground. At Amy’s House:

  • Residents live in a family environment with private rooms

  • Learn life skills (shopping, cooking, cleaning) independence & responsibility

  • Vocational & Job Training begins in a RCE micro-enterprise

  • When residents are ready (around 19) they move to semi-independent apartments at the RCE Enterprise Center

RCE Enterprise & Job Center

RCE’s Enterprise Center is a beautiful facility with semi-independent apartments for young people with disabilities where they live in dignity and enjoy fellowship. 

  • 8 apartments + house parents

  • A farm and garden micro-business

  • Other micro-businesses include a thrift store & Seeds for Life snack packs

Sorin’s House  - A Place for Everyone

A life plan for everyone includes a ‘forever’ house on the RCE Campus for young people who are unable to live independently. Like Sorin (20), who is autistic, and does not speak but communicates through his art. Sorin and his friends will live in the RCE community for life. 

  • Opened in March 2018

  • Home for 6 young people 18 and over

  • ‘Best Buddies’ program will provide one-on-one friendship for residents

3. Restoring Poor Families & Preventing Abandonment

“People have needs and people have problems. RCE helps families solve their problems so they can one day take care of their own needs.” 


Ovi and Doina Martin and the RCE team work in partnership with 20 local churches caring for impoverished families with vulnerable children. They bring the light of God’s love and programs that work to restore dignity and stability.

Emergency Relief For Immediate Needs

“If you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed then your light will rise in the darkness...and the Lord will guide you always...”

The Prophet Isaiah 

  • Everyone who asks receives - at least one time

  • Relief assistance includes food, fuel, firewood, medical care

Developmental Assistance 

Every family is different. So are the problems causing their poverty. Helping families help themselves requires an individualized approach. It also requires willingness on the part of the family to put in their ‘sweat equity’, take responsibility, and be accountable. 

  • Educational support (tutoring, scholarships, books, clothes, transportation)

  • Job training & work opportunities

  • Housing construction – repairing or rebuilding unsafe, inadequate homes

  • Farm animals for food & income (See Gift Catalogue)

  • Small no-interest loans

  • Micro-savings plans

Summer Camps & Afternoon Bible Clubs

Working with local church partners, and other Christian organizations, RCE offers summer camp for hundreds of children every year and afternoon Bible Clubs in remote villages. The kids have fun. They also learn spiritual truths, and much needed socialization skills.

Dignity Restored & Giving Back

Families that reach economic viability in turn help others! 

  • They give the first born of their farm animals

  • They give firewood, fruit, honey & other produce

  • They help other needy families build a house

Come Join Us!

Sponsor a Class at Sunshine School

With your sponsorship of $5,000 a year you will receive monthly updates from 'your' class. Call the RCE office (703) 828-7050 for details.

Your Gifts Change Lives. Donate Now

Give a one-time gift
RCE has partnered with Network for Good to securely process your online credit card payment. Click here to donate today.

Sustaining gifts help RCE plan
Give monthly online or Direct Deposit from your bank. Call the RCE office (703) 828-7050 for details.

Or mail your contribution to:
RCE. P.O. Box 516, McLean, VA 22101-0516

please Pray!

We ask for your prayer support. Sign up for monthly prayer request updates by emailing: efrerichs@rcenterprises.org

Take Part in the spring RUN FOR THEIR LIVES event

Meet special guests from Romania at this annual event & help raise funds for Darius Houses, Amy’s House & Sunshine School

Financial Statements 2023

RCE’s mercy ministry continues to grow. Pro-bono professional services in the US help keep administrative costs under 6%.