Luke 1:52. The Song of Mary
“He has put down the mighty from their thrones. And exalted the lowly.”
The arc of redemption is long; beginning outside the Garden and reaching across the ages to a lowly manger in what we now call the Middle East. As stories go . . . none can match the drama and beauty of that first Advent. A young mother going into labor in a stable, choirs of angels, sheep and shepherds, all on a starry night. There is drama, pathos, exquisite beauty, and eternal hope in the birth of the King.
Jesus came, not to the powerful, but to the poor and lowly. And the Kingdom spreads, not by might or power – or with swords loud clashing - but by deeds of love and mercy.
It would be wonderful to be able get a glimpse of all places around the world where God’s people are extending the Kingdom of God right now, feeding the hungry, loving their neighbors and caring for the poor and oppressed. I have the distinct privilege and joy of seeing that happen in one tiny corner of the world.
God’s love has been made manifest to Alex & Alexandra this year. Abandoned and separated, they are back together and in a loving family this Christmas.
The faithful Romanian team (all 100 of them) at RCE go about their work of mercy every day. Not because it is easy but because that is how the Kingdom spreads. They labor often in places where no one can see how hard it is. Caring for little ones who will never be able to thank them. Taking a blow from sometimes violent children – who were hurt by others. They care for poor families, they embrace the stranger at the gate, those who are other, they make the widow’s heart sing, the lame to walk. There are hard days (and nights) but the light that shone over the stable does come to dwell in hurting human hearts and the ‘choirs of angels’ continue their heavenly song.
Manu – in his apartment on the Residential Campus in Pecica – welcoming visiting Board Members Jim Young & Paul Wohlers.