W. Scott Brown is a member of the RCE Board of Directors. He is vice president of leadership experiences and resources at Christian Leadership Alliance. He serves as an Elder at Cherrydale Baptist Church, and as the Aging Out Initiative Coordinator for Christian Alliance for Orphans. He and his wife Kristin live in McLean, Va.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” Psalm 68: 5-6
It is an honor to serve on the board of Romanian Christian Enterprises, a ministry which lives out God’s heart for orphans, the poor and those with disabilities every day.
In 2002, I first experienced God’s deep heart for orphans. I had traveled to Romania as a part of a short-term church mission trip to help lead a summer camp for 70 or so children from a large state orphanage. We prayed intensely as a team prior to the trip. While there, we experienced God ministering through us to these children in a remarkable way. It was a divine moment in which God worked through us to communicate his fatherly heart to these children.
As a young, single guy at that time, feeling God’s powerful fatherly love flowing through me for these children was life-changing. In fact, while there God clearly communicated to my heart that the love I felt for these children reflected how he felt about me. I had long been a believer, but this experience transformed my relationship with my loving “Abba” Father. The overflow of my renewed joy was so transparent that one young girl from the orphanage shared with a translator that she wanted in her life whatever it was that she saw in me. We were able to lead her to Christ, and saw her transformed by her Abba Father’s love as well.
Last year's summer camp (2016)
In my numerous visits back to Romania it has been inspiring to see the profound life change Romanian Christian Enterprises is affecting in the lives of children, families and communities. It’s a joy to embrace a mission so dear to God’s heart. At Cherrydale Baptist Church, my home church, we offer a study on “God’s Heart for Orphans.” You’re welcome to download our “Leader’s Guide” and “Student Guide,” for your own church as well.
Have you explored Scripture to understand God’s deep heart for orphans?
Do you know God’s “Abba” Father love for you?