It was the best of times to Run For Their Lives! (And 5K Results!)

Kids, dogs, babies in strollers, new friends and old, ran or walked or rolled along with Marian in the spring sunshine.  The day was fun, the cause serious.  RCE is rescuing abandoned, abused and seriously ill children.


Marian, special guest at the event, was there to represent all his friends back in Romania at Darius House and Sunshine School.  He (and all of the children in varying degrees) have known terrible suffering.  Marian lived on the streets with an abusive mother for the first three years of his life. He has deep emotional scars that will take time, professional help and God’s love to heal. All of that help is available to Marian on RCE’s Campus in Arad and made possible through the good gifts of generous friends.

Thanks to all of you who took part in the RUN FOR THEIR LIVES campaign!

Congratulations to Zeke Frerichs (Fourth Presbyterian Church Youth Group) winner of the 5k Race. Complete race results are below.


Special thanks to RCE partner and friend, John Mollard, and colleagues from Lockheed Martin who were out in force (once again) running for the cause. Their generosity helped RCE near our goal of $50k.

Marie Ciorobitca and Carina Martin (who help care for Marian in Romania) did a wonderful job during the week of sharing his story with friends at Ambleside School (VA), Washington Christian Academy (MD) and our partnership churches (McLean Presbyterian Church, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Capital Presbyterian Fairfax).

There was also time to explore Washington D.C museums and monuments. Marian even took a plunge in the Reflecting Pool when he ran headlong into the water thinking the seed covered edge was actually sand. 


On Sunday morning, Carina shared in the worship service at Fourth Church. Hear her sing the wonderful old hymn, How Great Thou Art in English and Romanian.

It was, by God’s grace and your help, a great week for the RUN FOR THER LIVES CAMPAIGN!

If you wish to help us over the financial goal line:

5k Run results!:

Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1.jpg

Thanks for running for their lives!