Letting in the LIGHT...

Letting in the LIGHT...

 “I first learned about RCE when I was at the very lowest moment of my life.”   

 The Toma family, like hundreds and hundreds of impoverished Romanian families over the last three decades, have known the light of God’s love revealed through his people at the darkest moments in their lives.

You can watch the wonderful story of the Toma family here at Transformed by the Light.

 Ovi and Doina Martin (RCE Directors) have been bringing practical help and hope through the gospel to people in need for three decades. And they just visited America once again to share their stories of families transformed by the light with their partners and friends in the U.S. at multiple fall events.

Old and new friends gathered at McLean Presbyterian Church in Virginia on October 5th at the annual D.C. event to celebrate the good work RCE is doing.  The room was full to capacity and so were our hearts!  It was an evening of sweet fellowship and celebration of the long-term cross-cultural partnership that together makes mercy happen in Romania.

The evening was filled with laughter, music, fellowship, and good food, but best of all stories of hope: lives transformed by acts mercy.

Ovi Martin reminded us how RCE’s Poverty Prevention program is so effective: “We help people identify the problems that cause their desperate needs. Then we give them the tools they need to solve their own problems so that one day they can provide for their own needs.”

RCE’s Poverty Prevention Program (called Project Caring) lifts the crushing burden of poverty, provides emergency assistance to families in crises, and then helps them rebuild their lives.  

You can see it in action here in Letting in the Light:

While in the U.S. Ovi and Doina also visited supporting churches in New England with an event at Christ the Redeemer Church in Manchester, New Hampshire hosted by Allie Taylor, RCE’s newest team member.

Ovi and Doina enjoyed meeting with new and old friends, shared the vision and mission of RCE, and took in the beautiful coast of New England.

Ovi and Doina finished their time in the U.S. with a visit to Texas participating in events at several churches in the Houston area.  The Martins had the chance to connect with some of RCE earliest partners as well as visit some ministries supporting families with children and teens with disabilities.

Thank you for celebrating with us, thank you for your prayers, and gifts and participation in helping RCE to continue making mercy happen!  

By God’s grace, and with your generous support, we not only met our Fall 2024 Campaign goal of $200,000, but exceeded that amount by a third!  This amazing provision will help RCE meet the growing needs of impoverished families, the rising cost of living in Romania, and the expanding ministry.  Thank you!  But challenges do remain... please keep RCE in your prayers and your giving plans.

Christopher McLaughlin

Christopher enjoys a great glass of juice, eating grains that he has never heard of, and seeing how much spinach he can sneak into his children's smoothies.They let him know when he goes too far.