August is camp season at Romanian Christian Enterprises!
RCE families love camp!
Even though school is out, summer is a very busy time for RCE!
RCE hosted a camp in the beautiful Carpathian mountains of Leuca during the month of August. This special camp was for children (and their families) who have been placed into loving homes through RCE. The camp was run by the RCE Placement Program staff, and the director, Dani Buzgau. The Placement Program serves Romanian families who have adopted children from Darius House into their families.
Camp friends, hiking on the trail…
The fun camp included crafts, Bible stories, singing around the campfire, sports competitions, and even a talent show! The kids were lovingly cared for by the RCE Placement Program staff and learned about biblical character and the Golden Rule from Matthew 7:12.
RCE Staff Cornell, spending meaningful time with campers!
The children loved being in the mountains! Campers were so excited to receive special prizes and diplomas at the end of the week. Many have already expressed they can’t wait until summer camp next year! This beautiful, enriching week of annual camp is foundational toward building lasting memories that help these very special kids experience the blessing of belonging.
Bus rides are always more fun at camp!
RCE’s Placement summer camp is fun for the kids, but it’s also a wonderful time of respite for their parents. These sacrificial moms and dads were able to relax in a beautiful mountain setting, and share together the joys and the challenges of parenting special needs children who have known abandonment, domestic violence, and physical and mental illness. The week provided a much-needed, refreshing break for these amazing parents who willingly serve all year long.
Camp games & activities in the beautiful Carpathian mountains in Leuca!
Meanwhile, Ovi and Doina Martin, along with the RCE Project Caring team, were busy making fun happen for kids at another camp closer to Arad! Sixty kids and teens from Project Caring (our poverty prevention program) participated. Pastor Corey Gray and a wonderful mission team from Fourth Presbyterian Church in Maryland were a great help in running the camp.
A precious Project Caring Family, receiving food, supplies… and lollipops! ☺
Project Caring is blessed to serve 260 families every year, and helps dispense mercy to those in need through various means:
Emergency relief aid
Long-term developmental assistance
Ongoing support for the emotional, spiritual, and social needs of families living in extreme poverty
Food deliveries, financial help with utility bills, micro-loans, medical help, and ongoing counseling
An annual week of summer camp for children and teens
Allie and Cosmina, Arad - October, 2023
Welcome to the RCE family!
RCE is happy to welcome Allie Taylor as Assistant Director of Development. As a mom with a special needs son, Allie uniquely understands the need for advocacy within the special needs community. She is answering the call to speak in Jesus’ name for those who cannot do so for themselves.
Allie & the Northern New England Presbytery mission team, serving at Sunshine School – 2023
Allie and her family live in New Hampshire and have partnered with Romanian missions and RCE for the past decade. This new work commitment for Allie is a bridge toward using her gifts of communication, mercy, and advocacy to benefit the RCE special needs community in Romania. Allie is partnering with RCE Director of Development, Erin Frerichs, to help grow RCE’s grant and foundation support, social media presence, and website development. She will also foster new church partnerships and facilitate donor development outside of the Washington D.C. area. Welcome, Allie!
And finally, please mark your calendars for our annual Fall Celebrations! We look forward to hearing from Ovi Martin (RCE General Manager in Romania) and his wife and Doina as we celebrate how RCE helps “make mercy happen.”
Please join us!
Saturday, October 5th
McLean Presbyterian Church in Virginia
Tuesday, October 8th &
Wednesday, October 9th
in the Houston area
Wednesday, October 2nd
an RCE Lunch at Church of the Redeemer, PCA in Manchester, NH.